Why Hypertension is on the alarming rise among adults?
Nowadays life become so hectic that people can not have time for exercise, are used to eating junk foods, and have increased their habits of smoking and drinking much tension related to work and life leads to Hypertension Or High Blood Pressure:
The Article consist of the following :
- What is Hypertension Or High Blood Pressure
- What are the causes of Hypertension or High Blood Pressure
- What are the Symptoms of Hypertension or High Blood Pressure
- Why High Blood Pressure Or Hypertension is dangerous
- Why hypertension is on the rise among young adults
- Key Facts About Hypertension Or High Blood Pressure
- What is the treatment or prevention for Hypertension Or High Blood Pressure
- Conclusion
What is Hypertension Or High Blood Pressure: As per the definition Of Hypertension By the World Health Organization (WHO ) “ Hypertension is when blood pressure is too high.Blood pressure is written as two numbers. The first (systolic) number represents the pressure in blood vessels when the heart contracts or beats. The second (diastolic) number represents the pressure in the vessels when the heart rests between beats.” In layman’s language, one can say Hypertension is having higher blood pressure than the normal blood pressure in the human body. A healthy person should have 120/80 mmHg when its goes above this are called hypertension or High Blood Pressure.
What Are the Causes Of Hypertension Or High Blood Pressure: There are many factors that can lead to Hypertension Or High Blood Pressure. Below are some of the major causes of Hypertension
1. Having Obesity
2. Eating food with a heavy salt intake
3. Do not eat many vegetables and fruits
4. Excessive drinking habits of alcohol, coffee, and excessive smoking
5. Do not do physical exercise regularly
6. Stress
What Are the Symptoms Of Hypertension Or High Blood Pressure: “ Silent Killer “is usually used for Hypertension Or High Blood Pressure. Most people do not have any idea that they are suffering from Hypertension Or High Blood Pressure because it may not have any warning signs or symptoms. For this reason, Blood pressure has to be checked regularly. Some of the common symptoms of Hypertension Or High Blood Pressure are
1. Morning Headaches
2. Nosebleeds
3. Irregular Heart Rhythms
4. Vision Changes
5. Buzzing in the ears
Severe Hypertension can cause
1. Fatigue
2. Nausea
3. Vomiting
4. Confusion
5. Anxiety
6. Chest Pain
7. Muscle Tremors
8. Sleeping
9. Blushing
10. Sweating
Why Hypertension Or High Blood Pressure are Dangerous: High blood pressure or hypertension will force the heart to work harder to pump blood to the rest of the body. Hypertension or High blood pressure can cause serious damage to the heart. Excessive pressure can harden arteries, decreasing the flow of blood and oxygen to the heart. Severe Hypertension Or High Blood Pressure can cause
1. Heart attack and heart failure
2. Chest pain also called angina
3. Kidney failure
4. Irregular heartbeats
5. Stroke
6. Amputation
7. Severe hypertension can lead to blindness
Why Hypertension Or High Blood Pressure are on the rise among adults: In recent times, it has been observed that youngsters have ignored their hypertensive condition. According to CDC ( Centers For Disease Control And Prevention ), Nearly half of the adults in the US Have high blood pressure. Many people have an assumption that hypertension or high blood pressure can only affect older adults but recent studies show that it affects younger adults also –One in eight adults from ages 20 to 40 has hypertension or high blood pressure. The CDC report also shows that 24 % of adults with hypertension are under control.
Key Facts About Hypertension Or High Blood Pressure :
1. Hypertension is a serious health problem that can cause heart attack, strokes, kidney failure, and other diseases
2. Around 1.28 billion adults aged 30-79 years worldwide have hypertension or high blood pressure, Most ( two-thirds ) living in low and middle-income countries
3. Around (42 % ) of adults with Hypertension or High Blood Pressure are diagnosed and treated
4. 1 in 5 Adults (21 % ) with high blood pressure or hypertension have it under control
5. Hypertension or high blood pressure is the main cause of sudden death worldwide
What Are The Prevention Or Treatments For Hypertension Or High Blood Pressure: Change in lifestyle is the most important treatment for hypertension or high blood pressure. Some of the prevention for hypertension is so follows
1. Being Physically Active On Regular Basis: People with hypertension should engage themselves with at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity or 75 minutes per week of high–intensity exercise: Some of the suitable activities are walking, Jogging, Cycling, Swimming
2. Managing And Reducing Stress: one should avoid or manage stress that can help in controlling blood pressure: Some of the activities which can help relieve stress, Meditation, Warm Baths, Yoga
3. Reducing Salt Intake: High Sodium is a major factor that contributes to blood pressure. the source of sodium in the diet is salt. People with Hypertension should have a salt intake of less than 5g daily.
4. Eating more fruits and vegetables: People with Hypertension Or High Blood Pressure should add more fruits and vegetables to their diet
5. Reducing Intake High of Saturated food: One should have more healthy food such as .whole grains, high-fiber foods, pulses, olive oil, low-fat dairy products
6. Avoiding the use of Tobacco
7. Limiting Alcohol Consumption: The American Heart Association recommends a limitation on alcohol consumption can help in maintaining blood normal blood pressure
8. Regularly Checking Blood Pressure
9. Managing Body Weight
Conclusion: Hypertension Or High Blood Pressure are very serious health condition, One should not take hypertension Carelessly otherwise it may lead to fatal. People should monitor their blood pressure regularly and consult with their doctor regularly. Hypertension or High blood pressure are affecting our health and its turns out to be the “ Silent killer “.With a significant change in lifestyle, one can overcome Hypertension or High Blood Pressure