The season ,like the times of day ,are characterized by cycles of vata,pitta and kapha .Maintaining good health during all four seasons requires living in harmony with these natural cycles ,continually adjusting to the changes in the outer environment through the food we choose to eat ,the type and amount of exercise we do ,the clothes we wear and so on .The suggestions in this section will help you be at your best all year round .
Please remember that you cannot determine the seasons just by dates on the calendar .Ayurveda is a system of natural medicine ,which means that you have to see graphic areas the seasons come at different times and have varied characteristics .In addition ,in just one day there may be four seasons , sunshine and singing birds creating a spring like air in the morning ,warm summery breezes at midday ,gusts of cool,dry autumnal wind in the afternoon ,cold ,cloudy ,wintry weather after dark .So look at nature as it is ,and apply the appropriate principles and practices .
Guidelines For Summer : Summer is hot ,bright and sharp ,the season of pitta. Thus the main recommendation for everyone ,especially for individuals whose prakruti is primarily pitta,is to keep cool and not allow pitta dosha to become aggravated .
- In the morning ,as part of your daily routine ,rub 5 to 6 ounces of coconut oil or sunflower oil on your body before bathing coconut oil is calming ,cooling and soothing to the skin
- Wear cotton or silk clothing ,it is cooling ,light and allows the skin to breathe ,loose-fitting clothes are best ,they permit the air to pass through the cool the body .
- The best colors to wear in hot weather are white,gray,blue ,purple and green .Avoid red,organge,dark,yellow,and black ,which absorb and retain heat and will aggravate pitta .
- Do not drink hot water or hot drinks in the summer .Room-Temperature of cool drinks are best .Ice and iced drinks ,however ,inhibit digestion and create toxins in the body ,it is best never to drink them .
- This is a season of generalized low energy .Thus it is all right to take a short nap in the daytime
- If you have to work outside ,wear a wide-brimmed hat
- Wear sunglasses outdoors during the brightest part of the day .lenses should be smoky gray or green ,not red or yellow and especially not blue or purple ,which will damage the eyes .
- Avoid strenuous exercise .If you are accustomed to running or other vigorous aerobic exercise ,Do it early in the morning at the coolest part of the day .
- Do some mild yoga exercises and quiet meditation twice a day .
- In the evening ,after dinner go for a walk in the moonlight .Dress in white clothes with white flowers in your hair or garland of white flowers around your neck
- You can go to bed a later on summer nights ,around 11 pm or midnight .Rub some coconut oil on your scalp and the soles of your feet for a cooling effect before going to sleep .Sleep on your right side .
- Sex should be minimized in the summer ,as it is heating and will provoke pitta.If you want to have sex ,do it between 9 and 10 pm,when it is cooler but not yet pitta time .
Guidelines For Fall : Autumn is dry,light,cold,windy,rough,empty ( trees drop their leaves ) .All these qualities provoke vata dosha.So Naturally the guidelines for autumn revolve around pacifying vata
- If you can wake up early ,around 5 am ,when the air is calm and the birds are not yet out of bed .There is an extraordinary silence and peace at this time of day .
- Early Morning before your bath or shower ,rub 6 to 9 ounces of warm sesame oil all over your body ,from head to toe.Sesame oil is warming and heavy and will help to balance vata. Then take a nice warm shower .Leave a little of the oil on your skin .
- Good fall colors for pacifying vata are red ,yellow and orange .White is also helpful
- Do not drink black tea or coffee after dinner .Try some herbal tea.such as cumin-coriander-fennel tea or ginger- cinnamon –clove tea
- Fasting is not good during the autumn season .It generated too much lightness and emptiness.
- Be sure to keep warm .Dress warmly enough both indoors and out .On a windy gusty day ,cover your head and ears
- Very active ,vigorous exercise should be avoided .
- A short afternoon nap is acceptable .
- Try to be in bed by 10 pm
- Drinking a cup of warm milk at bedtime is good in the autumn season .It induces sound,natural sleep.Heat the milk until it begins to boil and rise up ,then let is cool enough to drink comfortably .You might add a pinch each of ginger and cardamom and a small pinch of nutmeg .These herbs are warming and soothing and will help both with digesting the milk and with relaxation .
- During this season, Take particular care to avoid loud noise,loud music ,fast driving and too much sexual activity .Avoid cold drafts and cold winds .
Guidelines For Winter : In winter ,sky is cloudy ,the weather is cold,damp and heavy and life in the cities moves slowly .Following are the points which need to be taken care during winter season
- In winter there is no need to get up early .The 5.00 am rising time suggested for summer and autumn is not necessary now .You can get up around 7 am
- In winter,Be sure to follow some breathing exercises with some quite meditation
- After meditation apply some warm sesame oil to your entire body .then take a hot shower .Sesame oil ,which is warming ,is beneficial for all constitutional types in the winter
- Wear bright warming colors such as red and organge
- Always wear a hat outdoors in winter .more than 60 percent of the body heat is lost through the head.Also cover your neck and ears
- If you like to eat meat ,Ayurveda says that winter is the time to eat it, Because agni is strong .Chicken and turkey are good choices
- At the end of the day ,rub a small amount of sesame oil on your scalp and on the soles of your feet .
- According to Ayurveda tradition,winter is the season in which you can sex more often .
Guidelines For Spring : Spring is the king of the season .In the bhagavad gita Lord Krishan reveals his predominant attributes in the eleventh chapter “ I am the soul in the body ,the Mind in the senses ,the Eagle among birds ,the Lion among animals ,Among all the trees I am the sacred Bodhi tredd and of the seasons ,I am Spring .
- Strictly Avoid heavy,oily food,Also it is better not to eat sour,sweet and salty foods. Stay away from dairy products ,especially in the morning .Avoid ice cream and cold drinks .
- For Those who eat meat ,chicken ,turkey ,rabbit and venison are permissible ,Seafood,crab,lobster and duck are not recommended during spring season .
- This is a good season to observe a juice fast of apply ,pomegranate or berry juice
- Wake up early and go for a morning walk .
- Sleeping in the daytime is not recommended in this season